Today’s Reading: Psalm 31
How great is Your goodness that You have stored up for those who fear You, and accomplished in the sight of everyone for those who take refuge in You.
Psalm 31:19
hen we seek refuge in the LORD, we are turning to an unshakeable Mountain within which to hide. We are relying on the strongest of fortresses for protection and safety. Within the confines of His Presence is the freedom to rejoice without fear or doubt. What warring and chaos that exists beyond the walls are of no concern, since they cannot penetrate the space that has been reserved for God’s people. Against all odds, against all danger, against all that is not of Him, the LORD by His Goodness establishes His protection around His faithful ones.
But what happens when we must go into the world to where He is calling us? How then can we be kept safe? This is the wisdom and beauty of the LORD’s refuge and protection: it remains everywhere that His Presence dwells. Because He dwells within us, we can rest assured that we are covered on every side. Because He never leaves nor forsakes us, we are never left vulnerable to the enemy. There is no place we can go that is void of His protection over our souls. There is no strength that can snatch us from His loving Hand. The psalmist proclaims to the LORD as there is terror on every side, “You are my God.” This is enough to sustain him, for by faith he has entered into the safety of the LORD’s Presence. He has hid himself in the shadow of the Savior’s refuge. By God’s Goodness, he is unscathed by danger and never disgraced. Trust in the LORD, faithful servant! As you venture into a world of darkness, You are never alone. The God of the universe remains your Rock and your Fortress, your Refuge.
Almighty God, You are my Safety, my Refuge and Strength. I do not need to fear anything, for as I go forth in Your Name You protect me from harm. You are so good to keep me safe. You are so gracious to cover me and hide me in times of danger. I pray, Father, that as I seek You, as I trust in You, as I hope in You, You would continue to grant me courage and strength to be bold for Your Namesake. Let me fear no place or situation of evil, that I would be kept free to serve You fully in all situations. I lift up these requests to You in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 22:39-71; Genesis 40; Psalm 31
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