Today’s Reading: Acts 4:23-30

When they heard this, they raised their voices to God unanimously and said, “Master, You are the One who made the heaven, the earth, and the sea, and everything in them…” 


Acts 4:24


When God is put in the highest place, everything else is put in correct perspective. After Peter and John are threatened for performing a miraculous healing, the believers come together with one accord and pray to God. In prayer, they exalt God as Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Maker of the wonders of the universe. They praise Him as the God of Time, Who foresaw the death of Jesus at the hands of people and brought through it His saving Plan. Through prayer, the believers affirm to God what they know of His Glory, and remind themselves of Who He is.

Because the believers see God clearly, they are able to clearly see themselves. In the Presence of the Master of the Universe, they proclaim their willing surrender to His purpose and power, and complete dependence on Him. In recalling God’s Sovereignty, the believers imply their lack of control over their own present and future. They also recognize their great need for God in their next steps as a Body of believers. If they are to be equipped with boldness for God, if they are to be empowered to perform signs and wonders, it will not be by their own ability. It will not even be because of the degree of their faith. It will be solely because of God’s Mighty Hand, and His willingness to use them in His cause to further the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.

We are blessed to know and recall over and over again the truth about our God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Omnipresent Ruler over time and space, the Sovereign King and Master of the Universe. How wondrous is it that He chooses to commune with us? How marvelous is it that He invites us to participate in His perfect work? It is by His faithfulness alone that we are preserved, and by His Power that we are equipped to do His Will.


Almighty God, thank You for showing me Who You are through Your Word and through Your works. Thank You for Your Presence in my life. Thank You for all that You provide through Your mighty hand. I need the reminder of Your Sovereignty every moment, Lord, and the assurance of Your perfect Will each day. Help me to live in complete trust in and surrender to You. In Jesus’ Precious Name I pray, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Acts 4:23-37; Deuteronomy 21-22; Job 14