Saturday June 13, 2020
Today’s Reading: Proverbs 11:23-28
A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water.
Proverbs 11:25
Meditation: We are blessed by God in order to be blessings to others. Farmers know that in order to reap a bountiful harvest of wheat, they must be willing to generously scatter some of the grain that they’ve harvested from a previous crop. Similarly, when a crop of grain is produced, there is no use keeping it all stored away. It must be used or sold or else it risks rotting. Even if stored well for years, a blessed harvest is useless to the farmer if it is never used. There is no benefit gained from hoarding grain.
Likewise, God’s blessings are only purposeful when we put them to use, specifically for God’s glory. Dealing rightly with our blessings exhibits our trust in the Great Provider, and shows Him that He can trust us with more to sow into His Purpose. Note the illustration that God uses through the cycle He created of sowing and reaping: when we are confident in God to sow the blessings we receive, we can count on a harvest that is multiplied by Him, a harvest that can then be sown again to reap even more.
What of our blessings – our time, treasure, or talent – are we sowing into the cycle of God’s abundant harvest? None of God’s blessings were ever meant to be kept only to ourselves. None of God’s blessings were ever designed to be sown into the world. Either way, There is only loss in store when we prefer to keep our blessings from God. True abundance of life is in store for us only when we decide to give what we’ve been given back to God.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are the Giver of every good thing. Thank You for Your generosity and faithfulness to bless me abundantly. Thank You for the courage by which You help me to give what I have back to You. I pray, Father, that You would open my eyes to see more and more the blessings I can utilize for Your good purpose. Help me to see what I can surrender back to You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Matthew 3; Exodus 24; Proverbs 11
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