Wednesday September 8, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 126
Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy.
Psalm 126:5
Reflection: By the LORD’s almighty Hand, even seeds of faith sown in tears can reap a bountiful harvest. God’s people do not remain frozen in despair or grief, but continue to work as they weep. They are assured that their labor will not be brought forth to Him in vain, but will instead be used for the furtherance of His Heavenly Kingdom. What a humble privilege to know that even tears shed out of grief, weariness, or frustration can be used for God’s deserving glory.
When the Man of Sorrows performed His splendid Work on the Cross, He did not accomplish it without enduring excruciating pain, loneliness, and scorn. It was with much blood and tears that the Son of God bore the burden of sin at Calvary. And yet, it was becuase of His willingness to continue in suffering unto death that His glory was fully revealed and His love for us was fully known. In tears and in blood He saved us, and in tears and blood He paid our debt. How much, then, should we expect to bear as we follow after our Savior and Lord?
Hear the LORD’s promise of joy today: though you may sow seeds of the Gospel amidst much suffering, your time of difficulty will be but for a moment. There will be more to your story as God’s beloved should you continue on in faith for His Namesake. Do not expect the journey on earth with Jesus to be easy or convenient. Expect it to be difficult as you follow His lead. But also expect it to be fruitful in ways that are everlasting. Be courageous to sow even in tears knowing that a bountiful harvest will one day be reaped in joy.
Prayer: Loving God, I remember how Your Son Jesus, in humility, endured the Cross for my sake. I remember that He finished His Work at Calvary in obedience to You, even in tears and much suffering. I remember that He never promised His followers a walk of faith that would be easy, but guaranteed a journey that would be difficult. I remember also, LORD, that He promised to be with us during all of it. Thank You for the privilege it is to sow seeds of the knowledge of Your Gospel Truth. Thank You for granting me the strength to do what You command. You are so good, Father. I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Titus 2; Jeremiah 15-16; Psalm 126
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