June 14, 2020
Today’s Reading: Acts 2:40-47
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers.
Acts 2:42
Sermon Main Idea: Christian community is empowered by the Spirit to exemplify Christ.
Come to Sunday our Worship Service OR Listen to Rev. Solomona’s sermon from today’s 10AM Sunday Worship Livestream on our Facebook Page, www.facebook.com/ccmla. Reflect on the Text Notes and Life Notes below.
Text Notes: The Invitation of the Church (v.40-41). The priority of the Church (v.42-43). The Practice of the Church (v.44-45). The Presence of the Church (v.46-47).
Life Notes:
Love God, Love people, in that order. What are some ways that we “love people” more than we love God? Why is this type of love flawed? How does loving God first impact our love for people?
Christian Community is powerless without the Holy Spirit. What are some faux power sources that Churches try to use instead of the Spirit? How have you seen the Holy Spirit empower your Church?
Prayer: LORD, it is Your Holy Spirit which powers the building of Your Church. Thank You for allowing us to take part in exemplifying Christ. Thank You for providing all that we need to be Your Church. Help us to do the work that shows our love for You. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Biblestudytools.com): Matthew 4; Exodus 25-27; Proverbs 12
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