November 1, 2020
Today’s Reading: Acts 9:10-19a
But the Lord said to him, “Go! For this man is My chosen instrument to carry My name before Gentiles, kings, and the sons of Israel.“
Acts 9:15
Come to our Sunday Worship Service OR Listen to Rev. Solomona’s sermon from today’s 10AM Sunday Worship Livestream on our Facebook Page,
Reflect on the Notes below in our Life Group Zoom, Mondays at 7:30PM.
Sermon Main Idea: Christians are instruments of Christ-led change.
Text Notes:
- Jesus sends Ananias to give Saul sight. (v.10-12)
- Ananias hears the Lord and answers.
- Jesus gives specific directions for Ananias to follow.
- Jesus addresses Ananias’ concerns over Saul. (v.13-16)
- Ananias reports to Jesus what Saul has done to His Church.
- Jesus reveals to Ananias what Saul will do for His Church.
- Jesus uses Ananias to change Saul’s life. (v.17-19a)
- Ananias welcomes Saul into the fellowship of believers.
- Saul regains his sight and is baptized.
Life Note: Be open, honest, and obedient to Christ that He may bring change in and through your life.
Discussion Questions:
- What does it mean to be an instrument of Christ-led change?
- How do we get to a point of openness (availability) to Christ like Ananias?
- If we know that we must follow Christ’s will, why should we be honest about our concerns with His will?
Prayer: Sovereign Lord, thank You for the reminder today that You are the One who grows Your people in Your likeness. Thank You also for Your mercy which has taken me in my sin and transformed me for Your good. Please help me to be open to Your leading, honest with the struggles in my faith journey, and above all obedient to Your call upon my life as Your child. In Jesus’ Precious Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Mark 15:21-47; 1 Kings 11; Hosea 13
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