September 6, 2020

Today’s Reading: Acts 7:54-8:1

But Stephen, filled by the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven. He saw God’s glory, with Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and he said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”  

Acts 7:55-56

Come to our Sunday Outdoor Worship Service OR Listen to Rev. Solomona’s sermon from today’s 10AM Sunday Worship Livestream on our Facebook Page, Reflect on the Text Notes and Life Notes below.

NOTE: Life Group meetings resume Monday, 09/14 at 7:30PM.

Sermon Main Idea: God’s love wins.

Text Notes: Contrasts between the Council and Stephen

  • Anger and Peace (v.54-55a)
    • The Council are filled with rage
      • ‘cut to the quick’ – Διαπρίω (diaprio): convicted
      • ‘gnashing’ – βρύχω (bruche): grating teeth in anger
    • Stephen is full of the Holy Spirit
      • The Spirit leaves no room for rage
  • Sight and Blindness (v.55b-57)
    • Stephen focuses on Heaven
      • The sight of God’s glory
      • The sight of Christ standing
    • The Council close themselves to the truth
      • Physical reaction of madness
      • Spiritual reaction of darkness
  • Death and Life (v.58-59)
    • The Council resolves to murder Stephen
    • Stephen concentrates on life with Christ
  • Hate and Love (v.60)
    •  The Council are driven by their hatred
    • Stephen demonstrates God’s love in forgiveness

Life Notes: Love God when the world hates you, because God loved you when you hated Him.

Prayer: Sovereign Lord, Your love is a wonder and a blessing. Thank You for the lengths You’ve gone out of Your love for me. I pray that Your love continues to transform me into Your likeness, that in all circumstances I would be able to act and respond in love. I pray that You grow my love for You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.

Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Acts 22:30-23:22; Judges 19; Psalm 44