May 31, 2020

Today’s Reading: Acts 2:1-13

Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit gave them ability for speech.

Acts 2:4

Sermon Main Idea: Be filled with God’s Spirit and overflow with God’s Word.

Listen to Rev. Solomona’s sermon from today’s 10AM Sunday Worship Livestream on our Facebook Page, Reflect on the Text Points and Life Notes below.

Text Notes: Believers united; Church ignited (v.1). One message, many languages (v.5-11). The crowd divided (v.12-13).

Life Notes:

The Holy Spirit fills the Church to proclaim Christ. How does the Spirit filling the Church lead to the Church proclaiming Christ? What needs to happen for you to be filled with the Spirit? What does it mean to proclaim Christ in your life?

The world needs Jesus. How does giving the world Jesus address the issues we face in the world? How do we give Jesus to the world?

Prayer: LORD, it is Your Holy Spirit which powers the building of Your Church. Thank You for allowing us to take part in it. Thank You for providing all that we need to be Your Church. Help us to indeed do the work You are calling us to participate in, that we would reflect Your love and Your truth to a world that needs it. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Hebrews 4:14-6:12; Genesis 49:1-50:26; Psalm 39