September 5, 2021

Today’s Reading: Acts 16:19-34

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Acts 16:25

Sermon Main Idea: Praising God in persecution points people to Jesus.

Text Notes:

  • Serving God leads to suffering for God. (v.19-24)
  • Suffering for God leads to praising God. (v.25)
  • Praising God, while suffering, points people to Jesus. (v.26-34)

Prayer: Gracious God, please help me to choose to praise You, especially in the midst of great difficulty in my faith walk. Turn my eyes to the Cross, that I may remember where my true hope lies and from where my help comes. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, 2 Timothy 2; Jeremiah 7-8; Psalm 122