April 18, 2021
Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 9:1-14
But understand that today the Lord your God will cross over ahead of you as a consuming fire; He will devastate and subdue them before you. You will drive them out and destroy them swiftly, as the Lord has told you.
Deuteronomy 9:3
Come to our Sunday Worship Service OR Listen to Rev. Moegagogo Solomona’s sermon from today’s 10AM Sunday Worship Livestream on our Facebook Page, www.facebook.com/ccmla.
Reflect on the Sermon with us at our Life Group Zoom, Mondays at 7:30PM.
Sermon Main Idea: Israel’s past failures must point them to future faithfulness to God.
Text Notes:
- God’s people must place their confidence in God. (v.1-3)
- God’s people must have an awareness of their sin and God’s grace. (v.4-7)
- God’s people must revere and fear the LORD. (v.8-14)
Life Note: Transfer your trust from yourself to your Savior.
Prayer: Lord God, my King, thank You for Your amazing Grace. Thank You for saving me from my sin. Thank You for reminding me of Your Greatness. There is none like You. I would be lost without Your salvation. As I reflect on all that You have done for Your people, please teach me to move in faith in You at all times. Help me to live in confidence in all that You provide and all that You do. All these things I pray in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Biblestudytools.com): Luke 2:21-52; Ezekiel 38-39; Isaiah 61
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