Today’s Reading: Psalm 33

He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth from His dwelling place. He alone crafts their hearts; He considers all their works. 


Psalm 33:14-15


The LORD loves the choices that His people make to glorify Him. He is pleased with all that they do to bring Him honor. When His people, though fallen, follow Him by exhibiting His righteousness as He has called, the LORD is pleased. When they rely on His leading to execute perfect justice, the LORD is pleased. For though God has created all people, though He has fashioned each and every human heart to his liking, not all people are truly His own. Not all please Him.

In the beginning of time, God created the heavens and the earth. He formed His people and breathed His own breath of life within them. But each crafted heart would need to choose to have the LORD as its God, would need to decide whether or not to follow Him. And so, even now, God examines the works that the people perform, since not everything His creation does brings Him good pleasure. The Creator of all people looks upon what He has designed, longing that all would respond favorably to His unfailing love.

Do your works reflect that which pleases our Creator God? It is so easy to rest in the truth that we are all God’s creation. But this fact is not what assures us our eternity with Him. We must remember that while all creation was created very good, people were still left with the choice to remain good with God. Look around at all that He has made! Gaze upon the craftmanship that His voice spoke into existence and remember that He is the One Who sustains it all! As He examines what You do for His glory, as You respond in obedience to His leading and guidance, may He be pleased.


LORD, the works of Your Hands are very good. All that You have designed reminds me of Your power and splendor and assures me of Your goodness. Thank You for all that You have done which reminds of how good You truly are. I have experienced Your love and choose to love You. I have tasted and seen that You are good, and so choose to follow after Your goodness. You alone exhibit true righteousness. Help me to rely on the ways that You are still working in the world around me. Please, LORD, teach me to be more like You. I lift up these prayers to You in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 23:26-56; Genesis 42; Psalm 33