Friday September 3, 2021

Today’s Reading: Psalm 120

In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me:“Lord, deliver me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue.”

Psalm 120:1-2

Reflection: The LORD our God is a God of truth and peace. By His truth He establishes His Kingdom, and by His peace He reigns over His people. To live immersed in lies is to be lost in Meshech, a place far away from God’s Promised land. To live in a world dictated by lies feels like dwelling in the nomadic tents homes of Kedar – constantly changing location, never settling. Those who tell lies about others and to others are bent on destruction. They are at war with God and try to prey on His people. But the one who cries out to the Lord can always be assured that God will answer those lies with His truth. By His truth, God brings His people near to Him and grounds them with a firm foundation on which to build and settle.

It can be wearisome to live like the psalmist, surrounded by lies that the enemy has established in the world to destroy the Truth of God. Even for God’s fiercest followers, the battle against the lies of the world is brutal. But praise God that He answers the cries of His weary with His judgment brought about by His truth, and that those at war with God are destroyed and replaced with His peace.

Prayer: Almighty God, I know that I am deeply loved by You because of Your truth which has drawn me near to You, and Your peace which has been brought about by Your Presence. Thank You, Lord, for the assurance that by Your truth You preserve me against the lies of the enemy. Thank You for establishing Your peace for me to enjoy. You bless so richly, Lord. I pray that You would cause me to examine all things against Your Truth, that I would remain grounded in Your Word and faithful to obey it. Help me to rest in Your peace, which You give even in the presence of my enemies. Thank You for all that You do for me, Lord. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, 1 Timothy 5:23-6:21; Jeremiah 3-4; Psalm 120