Tuesday June 23, 2020
Today’s Reading: Leviticus 5:1-7
When someone sins [in any of these ways]: [If] he has seen, heard, or known about something he has witnessed, and did not respond to a public call to testify, he is guilty.
Leviticus 5:1
Meditation: God requires His people to make His Truth known. In His instruction to the Israelites, God considers it a sin to conceal the truth in a situation when it can be made known. God desires that His people not only tell the truth, but also expose the truth when it is being hidden. In the community of God, His people are held accountable for being a perpetual witness to the Truth, diligently upholding it. To not do this is to sin, to do what is against what God desires.
Today, God demands that His people bear this same responsibility of witnessing to Truth, specifically the Truth of the Gospel. While noble actions and compassionate deeds can be beautiful embodiments of God’s grace and love, at most they can only accompany the Christian’s motivation behind these works: the Gospel Truth. The believer in God must share the Truth of God with others.
This Truth of God is simple: in sin, we were separated from God and needed a way restore our relationship with Him. God by His Law showed us how to atone for our sin through sacrifice and draw near to Him. And by His love, God also gave, through Jesus’ death on the Cross, the ultimate sacrifice that atoned for all our sin. The discovery of this great love of God must be told, for to withhold it from those who have not heard keeps them from experiencing the true love of God.
So for those who rest in this Truth about God, be exhorted to tell it to others as God requires. After all, God has first reached you through the willingness of someone who understood the magnitude of sharing the Truth.
Prayer: Father in Heaven, thank You for Your Gospel Truth. Thank You for the assurance of eternity with You because of Your great and wondrous love. Please forgive me for the times I have withheld from others the Truth about Your salvation through Jesus. I pray that You help me to share the Gospel with others I encounter throughout my walk with You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Biblestudytools.com): Matthew 9:18-38; Leviticus 5-6; Proverbs 21
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