The word ‘holy’ is difficult to describe. From what is revealed in the Bible, to be holy is to be set apart, to be exalted high above, to be pure and true. God is the only One Who exhibits holiness. He makes known His holiness by His Presence. In Isaiah’s vision, the LORD was seated upon His throne, worshipped by seraphim whose feet and faces were hidden as they declared Him holy. They knew their presence was far below that of God and so revered Him that they kept their feet and faces exposed to His Presence. By burning bush, the LORD revealed Himself in His holiness to Moses. He told Moses to remove his shoes, for he was on holy ground. God’s Presence before Moses demanded respect such that even the ground around where He made Himself known was to be treated with the utmost care.
So then, the way of the LORD is set apart from all other ways. Because of God’s holiness, His purity, His being exalted above others, His way is also treated as such. There is comfort in knowing that the way of the LORD is holy. Since the way of God comes from a holy God, it is far above the ways of the world. We do not have to fear what the LORD has planned, so long as we belong to Him. We simply have to trust that because He is holy, high above us, then it is the best for us. Is His plan difficult to detect? Is it sometimes difficult to see that His Hand is involved? Take heart, for He is still very much at work. Are His ways difficult to understand? Maybe there are trials ahead, or difficulties at present that don’t make sense. While some of these situations are indeed the result of living in a fallen world, take heart, for the LORD can take each experience and use it as an opportunity to give Him glory. And the way He weaves these thing together is always holy, far beyond what we can imagine. For even the Hebrews were led by the LORD through the waters of the Red Sea, which were parted to form walls of danger on either side. This was an act of God far beyond human comprehension or ability. It was so extreme, that it could only be attributed to the LORD. Just as this was done to show God’s glory, so is the way He will lead His people today.
The way we imagine responding to situations at hand is not how the LORD chooses to work. Because He is greater than us, His way is greater. Because He is holy and set apart, so is His way far above our own.
Loving God, You are the One Who has shown Himself throughout the ages. You are the One Who knows and sees all, the One Who is powerful beyond compare. You are the Holy One, the only One Who deserves true worship and praise. You are the One True God. I praise You and You alone, LORD. I exalt You as You sit on Your Throne. I thank You that You have revealed Yourself to me, that You knew my seeking heart and answered by Your Truth to help me believe in You. I thank You that we can know fullness of life each day under the banner of Your faithful love. LORD, as I continue to learn and grow, please teach me how to make You known to others. Show me the way to share Your Truth and bring others to belief in You through Your Son. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, John 11:28-57; 2 Chronicles 12-13; Psalm 76
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