Monday May 10, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 16
Lord, You are my portion and my cup [of blessing]; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6
Reflection: When God divided the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel, he accounted for eleven of them. Eleven would pass down the blessing of land to their children as a sign of God’s constant blessing. But for the Tribe of Levi, the LORD had the most precious inheritance in store. They received no land to inherit. But their portion would be the LORD Himself. The Levites would know an Inheritance Who would go before them and follow them wherever they went. While the others would know the boundaries of the great land they possessed, the sons and daughters of Levi would know nearness to an infinite God. As a holy priesthood, they would serve Him, and be charged with handling His most sacred practices. They would be His vessels of glory for the rest of His people to behold. He would be more than enough.
As God’s people today, we treasure the LORD as our Portion and our Inheritance through His Son. He is the One in Whom we delight. We need nothing more to be satisfied. In Him we rejoice and are glad, and by Him we are counselled and instructed. With Him there is abundant joy. We are a holy priesthood unto Him, covered and equipped by the LORD’s own Presence. Because He is our Portion, we can serve Him, worship Him, and empty ourselves in order to filled by His Spirit. What a privilege it is that the LORD by His Mercy is our Portion. Praise the LORD, our Portion, Who is all that we need.
Prayer: LORD God, I want for nothing because I have You. I rest in Your Peace and Splendor. I am in awe of Your Majesty. You are wonderful, LORD. Thank You for the gift of Your Presence, even when I have strayed from You. Thank You for by Your Son drawing near to me while I was still far off in sin. You have rescued me, LORD, and I am grateful to know You. Please show me how to depend on You for all things. Let me cling to You, my Portion and sweet Inheritance. I love You, LORD. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Luke 13:1-17; Genesis 23; Psalm 16
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