Wednesday August 11, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 104:1-23
He waters the mountains from His palace; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of Your labor.
Psalm 104:13
Reflection: There is no greater storehouse than that from which the LORD reaches to sustain His Kingdom. He has created far more than enough to keep all that depend on His excellent care. See the wild beasts of the field. They are watered by the rains outpoured from the heavens. They graze on fresh foliage in the plains and in the fields. See the birds of the sky who live along the river banks and in the verdant trees. They sing among the leafy branches because they have been given the strength to do so. The stork and others are given an endless supply with which to build their nests and house their offspring. The wild goats find their rest high in the mountains shaped by God. Even the young lions depend on Him for their prey. The LORD’s accounts for all who depend on Him.
Why should we fret about what we will eat or drink? Why, then, should we worry about about what we will wear? The LORD God never leaves us nor forsakes us, but makes available all that we need in great supply. The kingdoms of earth know no wealth and prosperity like that which has been designed by God, for worldly systems are all tainted by greed and wickedness. Those who depend on the things of the world will never be satisfied. But all who lift their eyes to our generous God are sustained with far beyond measure. Even our Lord and Savior urges us to look around and see the testimony of His Father’s faithfulness. For if God keeps the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, how much more will He keep you, His beloved? Trust in Your Heavenly Father’s care upon You today, for He will continue to provide all your needs.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You provide for me. Thank You that You are swift to bless, to foresee all that I need. Thank You for being the One I can turn to in trial and tribulation, and thank You for being my source and reason for praise. You are so good, LORD. Please, LORD, help me to live mindful of Your faithfulness upon me. Help me to spend each day in thankfulness to You. I love You LORD, and lift up these prayers to You in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, Revelation 9; Nehemiah 12; Psalm 104:1-23
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