Saturday September 11, 2021

Today’s Reading: Psalm 129

The Lord is righteous; He has cut the ropes of the wicked.

Psalm 129:4

Reflection: What a declaration the psalmist makes, that the LORD in His righteousness has severed the ability of the wicked to hold power over His people. Through Jesus, God has exhibted power over sin and death.

The LORD’s power overwhelms earthly power. Throughout history, Israel endured oppression from nations bigger and stronger than them. Yet, their indestructibility through every period of captivity or suffering was a testament of God’s Presence which saves. No earthly power could come against them. Even against the fiercest kings and warriors, the LORD’s people were preserved. No force would hold them bound forever, for God in His righteousness would set them free. The LORD’s power overwhelms all other forces. The Enemy has no bearings on the people of God. Through Jesus, the LORD has claimed victory over him. Satan is a defeated foe with nothing that can bind man or woman to himself against their will. See how the psalmist describes the pain that Israel has endured. The plowmen have plowed over their backs, brought them low and torn through their bodies. They have tried to tie them up, bind them and leave them helpless. But they have not prevailed in body or spirit, for God has been good to set his people free.

Nations and people may boast of great accomplishments and achievements. They may note marvelous advances in technology or lists of significant victories against other nations. But the people of God from the beginning have spoken of their survival, which is a precious blessing to proclaim. The LORD has brought His rescue time and time again, ensuring their safety by His faithfulness. What greater thing is their to boast about than of receiving the undeserved favor of the God of the universe?

Prayer: Sovereign LORD, thank You for being my Rescue and my Refuge. Thank You for freeing me from the chains of sin and death, and for allowing me to serve You. Thank You for the reminder of Your salvation which brings joy, comfort, and hope. Thank You for the reminder of it which prompts me to live in thenkfulness to You and assures me of Your abounding love. Help me to live in constant thanks to You, LORD. I pray all this in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, James 1; Jeremiah 21-22; Psalm 129