Tuesday December 15, 2020
Today’s Reading: John 6:16-21
But He said to them, “It is I. Don’t be afraid!”
John 6:20
Reflection: The presence of Jesus dispels all fear. He is a welcome respite in the face of any storm. He is all we need to endure any hardship, trial, or uncertainty. When the disciples are crossing the sea of Capernaum, they encounter a sudden storm on the waters. They are engulfed by high winds, rough seas, and darkness without the Lord. But then Jesus comes to them walking upon the very waters that are overwhelming them. This is because Jesus has the power to overcome the storm.
Jesus is near to His disciples before they even recognize His Presence. Because they do not realize it is Him, the vision of a person walking on water brings about fear. But upon knowing Jesus’ Presence with them, the disciples are able to heed His call to not be afraid, and even welcome Him into their boat.
Jesus has drawn near to us long before we’ve recognized Him. Just as He dispels the disciples’ fear with the announcement of His Presence, He strengthens our spirits too with the reminder that He is with us. With the knowledge of His Nearness, we, like the disciples, are able to receive Him gladly and at once be brought to the places where Jesus wants us to go. In times of great need, we might ask in prayer for certain blessings, favor, or circumstances to change in order to go our way. But the greatest blessing that Jesus gives to us is Himself: the profound mystery of His Nearness, His Presence.
Prayer: I am in awe of Your Presence, Lord Jesus, and to be reminded that in Your purity and splendor You drew near to me even before I knew You. You are all I need, Lord. Thank You for the relationship that we share. Thank You for the blessing it is to know You. Thank You for being my Lord and Savior. In Your Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Biblestudytools.com): John 6:1-21; 1 Chronicles 22:2-23:32; Zechariah9
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