Thursday July 8, 2021
Today’s Reading: Psalm 76
God is known in Judah; His name is great in Israel.
Psalm 76:1
Reflection: The LORD God has made Himself known to the world first through the Jews, and then through the Gentiles. First, through His relationship with Israel, He revealed Himself to the world. Later, He would walk among humankind, fully God and fully man as Jesus. This counters the idea that there is a subjective deity that exists in the mind of the conjurer. What exists only in our minds remains only there. But the LORD God is real. He by His grace has made Himself known. By audible Voice, He spoke to Abraham to go the Land that he would possess. By burning bush, He first showed Himself to Moses, and by great miracles He displayed His power and faithfulness to the Hebrew people. By His Son Jesus, He taught, healed, and showed Himself fully, that all would know and believe in Him. He performed the great Work of Salvation in awesome display of His love at Calvary. And by His Church, the LORD continues to make Himself known, to gather more unto Himself.
All who have come to know and believe in the One True God trust in Someone Who really exists, really saves, and really loves us. There is temptation to think that what we want to believe about God is what is true about Him. But believing in God doesn’t start from discovering Him from within ourselves. True faith comes from looking outside of ourselves to witness and learn about a God Who has first revealed Himself to us. It began when God created us and continued in history as He introduced Himself to us. It unfolded as He drew near to us in the flesh through Christ. Faith begins in each life when one, by His holy Word, hears the Truth about Him and all He has done.
Examine then, closely, who it is that you worship and serve. Is He indeed the true God of the Bible? Or is the god you know one that you have made? Let the Eternal One Who was, is and is to come be the One Who receives true praise.
Prayer: Loving God, You are the One Who has shown Himself throughout the ages. You are the One Who knows and sees all, the One Who is powerful beyond compare. You are the Holy One, the only One Who deserves true worship and praise. You are the One True God. I praise You and You alone, LORD. I exalt You as You sit on Your Throne. I thank You that You have revealed Yourself to me, that You knew my seeking heart and answered by Your Truth to help me believe in You. I thank You that we can know fullness of life each day under the banner of Your faithful love. LORD, as I continue to learn and grow, please teach me how to make You known to others. Show me the way to share Your Truth and bring others to belief in You through Your Son. I pray all of these things in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Bible, John 11:28-57; 2 Chronicles 12-13; Psalm 76
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