Today’s Reading: John 21:1-14

Therefore the disciple, the one Jesus loved, said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he tied his outer garment around him (for he was stripped) and plunged into the sea.


John 21:7


Jesus makes Himself known to us so that we would be in fellowship with Him. By the time He appears to His disciples on the shore, they are exhausted, having been out on a boat all night without catching any fish. But when Jesus calls to them, He reveals Himself through His directions that he had offered once before: “Cast the net on the right side of the boat.” The disciples obey, and as a result, receive a large number of fish, a catch much too large to haul into their boat. By this, the disciple John recognizes Jesus, and they all head to shore to find their Messiah preparing breakfast for them, inviting them to eat.

Jesus comes to spend time with His disciples. They are not a stop on His way to more important matters. They are the very reason He has arrived on shore. After His Resurrection, He seeks after His disciples to spend time with them. Because of their love for the Jesus, their response is to drop everything and meet with Him. Jesus will indeed make the disciples fishers of people, but first He will call them to Himself. He first assures them of His Victory by His Presence with them on multiples occasions. He also provides for them, nourishing and restoring them in their weariness.

Jesus’ fellowship with the disciples reminds us of how important it is to spend time with our Lord. He has made Himself known to us so that we would run to Him with excitement and joy. We who love Jesus must spend time with Him. It should become our response to every opportunity He gives us to linger in His Word and rest with Him in prayer. We can only go into the world as His people after first joining with Him in fellowship. He is the One Who equips us with the precious knowledge of His Victory to take to others. He is the One Who restores and nourishes our weary souls. Most importantly, He desires time with us.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Love. I give You praise, for You have made Yourself known to me through Your Holy Word. You were the One Who first drew near to me before I even knew You. I cannot fathom such amazing Love, Lord, but I am so grateful to You for it. Please show me how to love You more fully. Teach me how to live my life for You and with You. I pray all of these things in Your Precious Name, AMEN.


Thru the Bible in a year (credit: John 21; 2 Chronicles 33; Psalm 89:1-18