Today’s Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7
He says: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”
Isaiah 49:6
These words of the prophet Isaiah are a reminder of the Sovereignty of God to bring about His Salvation to the world through Jesus Christ. The wonder of Jesus’ Resurrection morning is made more profound against this promise that God had made centuries before Jesus walked the earth. The Savior’s Holy Name was spoken by the angel Gabriel to Mary before He was born. The Lord Jesus was prepared for the Lord’s work like a polished arrow to be used in God’s perfect timing. He was created in human flesh to gather all of His Father’s people back to Him.
The Lord was chosen by the Father save the world in the way only a pure and holy God could. He was given this task at the beginning of time. And at the outset of His Plan, the Lord would account for not only Israel, but the Gentiles as well. The islands, the distant nations of the world would all one day come to know Him. And look at how this promise is indeed being fulfilled! Because Jesus completed this mission on the Cross, His Salvation continues to free people today. What was once a small nation which was rescued by God’s Power and Providence had, through Jesus’ Death and Resurrection and through movement of the Holy Spirit, flourished and grown. Even today, The King of kings gains followers who have drawn near to Him. Because of all this, we can be assured that God’s promise to reach the ends of the earth with His Gospel will one day come true. Today, and partly through us His Church, this promise is still unfolding! Jesus’ Salvation was finished on the Cross, but continues to free and to transform hearts that follow Him.
Merciful Lord, thank You for Your Son Jesus. Thank You for saving me from my sin, for before I was born thinking of me and dying for my sake. Thank You for glorifying Yourself and proving Your Faithfulness throughout the ages. Thank You for taking away my sin and reaching me when I was lost. You have been so good to me, Lord. Help me to always remember the work You did through Your Son. Keep me in all situations grateful for Your abounding Love and Grace. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Philippians 2:1-11; Ezekiel 20; Isaiah 49
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