Today’s Reading: Psalm 24
They will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God their Savior.
Psalm 24:5
The ones with clean hands and pure hearts are the ones who are blessed by God. They are the ones who may approach the LORD in His Holiness. They are the ones who can stand in His Presence. Praise the LORD, then, that He washes the guilt of sin from our hands and replaces our hearts of stone for hearts of flesh. Praise the good work of God the Savior, Who saves through His Son Jesus Christ to rescue us from our own works of iniquity. When God began His good work of creating the universe and everything in it, He indeed made it all very good. Therefore, unlike our own fallen works of iniquity, the LORD’s works of mercy and grace make us good in His sight.
Who can come before God of their own works? No one, for there is no one good, not one, who can achieve the righteousness God requires to stand before Him. We can meet with the LORD only because we have been justified by our Savior. We can approach Him in His Holiness by the Work that the Son has accomplished.
Holy, holy, holy are You LORD God. You are set apart, high above the heavens and the earth. You are perfect in splendor and might. Your Glory is known throughout the earth. I cannot come before You but by Your Son Jesus. I cannot draw near to You but by the love You have shown on the Cross. Thank You for saving me, for justifying me by Christ’s Righteousness, by His good work. I pray that You would help me to continue to live trusting in You. Please help me to continually rest in Your Salvation. I love You LORD. In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Luke 18:18-43; Genesis 31; Psalm 24
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