Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 24:19-22
“Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt. Therefore I am commanding you to do this.”
Deuteronomy 24:22
God has a heart for those who are seen as the least in society. The poor, the needy, destitute are all under God’s Sovereign care. God commands His people Israel to reflect His heart for those in need. To put people’s need for His compassion and care in the right perspective, He reminds Israel that before His Divine help, they were slaves in Egypt. They themselves were destitute and helpless before experiencing the compassion and salvation of God.
As God’s people, we are also called to reflect His heart for the poor, the needy, the least of these. For haven’t we experienced bondage too, by sin and death, before the Lord’s work in our lives? Weren’t we hopeless before God saw compassion upon us and granted us His salvation? Aren’t we still in constant need of His guiding hand and steadfast care? Where would we be without Him? Because God has saved us through Jesus, we have now been brought into His plan to save others. Part of that plan involves showing the world what it looks like to be redeemed by the Almighty God. Another part involves reflecting His heart for those in need of Him.
As believers in Christ, as His beloved children, we are not better than others, only better off because of God. In all the work we do for our God, and in the ways we desire to best represent Him to the world, we do well to first remember the great things He has done for us. We benefit from remembering where we were without Him.
Loving God, where would I be without You? You’ve saved me, redeemed me, and have loved me with an everlasting love. Thank You Lord, for all that You’ve done in my life. I pray that the reminder of Your salvation spurs me on to reflect Your love in truth wherever I go, that others would also know the blessing of what it is to be Yours. In Jesus’ Precious Name I pray, AMEN.
Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan (credit: Acts 5:1-16; Deuteronomy 23-24; Job 15
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