Tuesday July 14, 2020
Today’s Reading: Ecclesiastes 11:1-8
Just as you don’t know the path of the wind, or how bones [develop] in the womb of a pregnant woman, so you don’t know the work of God who makes everything.
Ecclesiastes 11:5
Meditation: Invest diligently in the work of God, for we never know when or how He will use our efforts. King Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes that we must take all opportunities to invest in work, regardless of whether our surrounding conditions for a bountiful harvest are ideal. Those constantly watching to see which way the wind is blowing waste their time with analysis and have no time left to sow. Those constantly looking for rain from the clouds are too fixated on weather forecasts to labor and reap any return.
There is never a perfect condition under which we should put forth work for God. But there is diligence and obedience that we can always choose to exercise for Him. We may not always understand God, but we can be certain that He can use what we offer. After all, the success of the work we do for God does not depend on our ability to anticipate the conditions under which we perform such tasks for Him. Our success is found in pleasing the God for Whom we put forth work.
Do you doubt your significance in God’s plan? Know that while He does not need anyone’s help, God longs for you to take part in His work with Him. Do you doubt your ability to carry out your calling? Know that the God Who made you designed you to fit into His family, and to operate out of simply being near to Him. Do the ‘sowing’conditions around you seem stormy, poor, or barren? Know that the seeds of faith that You scatter are on behalf of the Sovereign King of Creation, Who holds the universe in the palm of His hand and can make anything grow at His command.
Servant of God, never stop doing the work of the LORD. There is no greater satisfaction than what is felt when doing God’s Will. There is no better investment than in His Kingdom.
Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your Plan. Thank You for Your Way which guides and refreshes me. I pray for Your continued leading and Your strength as I surrender each day to You. Help me to work diligently and obediently for Your Kingdom purposes, that You would be glorified. In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN.
Thru the Bible in a year (credit: Biblestudytools.com): Matthew 21:1-27; Numbers 17-18; Ecclesiastes 11:1-8
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